code of conduct



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We aim to make Images Cinema a place where people from all walks of life can be respected and feel safe. Images Cinema is dedicated to the exploration of film as an art form, a source of entertainment, and an educational tool. Because of this, we aim to foster a welcoming environment for patrons, staff, and volunteers alike.

We reserve the right to remove anyone for harassment of any kind, including but not limited to:

If you are asked to stop engaging in any of the behavior listed above, please stop immediately. We reserve the right to ask anyone who violates this code of conduct to leave the premises immediately and to refuse future service to them for an indefinite amount of time. We also reserve the right to report any violators of this code of conduct to the police if needed, where further legal action will be taken.

Images Cinema welcomes EVERYONE, including people of any race, ethnicity, nationality, gender identity or presentation, sexual orientation, ability, religion, and citizen status.

If someone is making you feel unwelcome in any way, do not hesitate to reach out to the nearest staff member. If you feel unsafe to do so, get yourself to a safe location first and then call the Williamstown Police Department at 413-458-5733, or dial 911. Please report any instances of harassment to [email protected].

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Your community-based movie theater.

A Berkshires tradition for over 100 years, Images Cinema is a nonprofit, independent movie theater presenting a wide array of films to the Berkshires year-round. We are driven by our love of cinema and dedicated to the exploration of film as an art form, a source of entertainment and a means to build community.

