Look Forward


Look Forward

Please consider supporting our fundraising efforts to Look Forward to the next 25 years of Images Cinema!
Donate here

In 1916, Hiram C. Walden converted a former Williams College fraternity house into a movie theater. For 109 years a continuously operated cinema has presented movies on Spring Street as The Walden Theatre, The Taconic Theatre, College Cinema, The Nickelodeon, and finally Images Cinema.

In 1998, Images became a community-supported, non-profit Art house Theatre — one of the first non-profit Cinemas in the country — and in the ensuing 25 years established itself as a beloved part of the region’s cultural landscape.

Since that time, Images has also built a supportive group of members, donors, volunteers, visitors and committed film-goers , while maintaining its status as anchor of Spring Street.

Images is one of the last single screen theatres in operation in the US . The film distribution structure has changed significantly in recent years and that has created new challenges.

First run film distributors sometimes require 2, 3 or even 4-week runs, almost always exceeding IMAGES market size. Distributors also often require something called a “clean screen” — meaning only one film can show on any given screen for its run. For example, we can't show Barbie at 7pm and Oppenheimer at 10pm.

To address these challenges, we have to think big .

Our new plan allows for simultaneous screenings, the rotation of films, gives more opportunity for film festivals and events, and increases revenue.

And it ensures that we provide wide ranging programming to a diverse audience .

Completed architectural work shows a second, smaller theater fits well within existing leased space. Feasibility studies and business plan show this renovation will sustain Images financially.

The main theater will be right-sized to 70 seats — a seating capacity that better serves Images’ average audience and meets 99% of our historic demand — and a new 19 seat theater will be created in the rear of the current auditorium.

Both upgraded theatres will have new comfortable seats and improved accessibility, Top-of-the-line screens, projectors, and audio, and new sound-proofing and acoustics.

We are in the process of generating construction drawings, and finalizing budgets with contractors. We are targeting closing the main theater in late August 2025, after the summer season. All renovation and upgrades will take place over four-to-five months, and we will be fully reopen by February 2026. During this time we anticipate our Lounge will remain open, and Images will provide programming via off-site collaborations around the Northern Berkshires.

This new operating model will allow us to reduce our need for additional fundraising appeals while expanding programming, increasing income, and enhancing our community outreach.

The Look Forward campaign is more than a renovation, it’s a new business model that allows Images to thrive and grow as a beloved cultural resource and as a business.

As of the launch of this campaign to the public in February 2025, we have raised over 60% of our campaign total, or over $1,300,000, with additional support pending from state and local sources. We are now seeking support from foundations, businesses, and individuals to finance the rest of the project. 

Support Images Cinema as we LOOK FORWARD.

Be a part of Images history by claiming a seat (or two)! You can inscribe your name, or put a tribute to a loved one or beloved film icon. Your contribution is fully tax-deductible, and will allow Images to make these upgrades. They will be larger and more comfortable than our last renovation 17 years ago. There are a limited number of seats available, so act today!

Seat Campaign
Thank you to our Look Forward supporters so far!
Donate here
Shaina Adams-El Guabli
Betsy Aidem
Jim & Kris Allen
Kevin Bicknell
Mike Birch
William & Margo Bowden
Matt Brogan & Kat Hand
Susan & Duncan Brown
Brian Carpenter & John Gordon
Ben & Sarah Cart
Elliot & Karin Cattarulla
Deb Chaulk
Jim Chervenak
Jeana Choi
Liz & Tom Costley
Jane Culnane
Lisa & Michael Cushman
Laura Dankner
Carl Davis
Dave & Suzanne Dewey
Julia Dixon & Tony Dunne
The Mary & Henry Flynt Grant
Judith Fraser & Stan Parese
Susan Gold
Dustin & Gale Griffin
Judy & Bruce Grinnell
Brent Heeringa & Courtney Wade
Cecilia Hirsch
Bill & Lindsey Hooper
Tracie Hotchner
Russ & Christine Howard
Anne & Greg Islan
Steve & Lisa Jenks
Kristen Johanson & Tom Green
Jeff Johnson & Hy Conrad
Laura Kaufman & Adam Rothschild
Kevin Kennefick & Sue Killam
Christophe Kone
Nina Konsa
John Korba
Eric & Gloria Koster
Henry & Maureen Lee
Tom Lutzy & Jim Laprade
Molly Magavern & Mark Reinhardt
Sam McCauley & Shikha Singh 
Ann McCallum & Andy Burr
Jock & Jean McClellan

Wit McKay & Anne Kennedy
Lillian McKay
Elaine & Ron Mensch
Katherine Milan
Carol Miller & Rich Levy
Katherine Myers
Kathy & Phil McKnight
Yina Moore
Megan Morey & Nate Budington
Leslie & Richard Morgenthal
Kevin O'Rourke & Edith Thurber
Micahel O'Rourke
Tim & Sally Peteren
David & Libbie Poppick
Ruben Puentedura & Stacy Evans
Lawrence & Judith Raab
Mark Reach
Sally Ridgeway
Diana Ritz
David & Deborah Rothschild
Kiara, Yuko & Lou Royer
Will Schmenner
Laura Schrock & Kim Taylor
Jonathan Schwartz
Howard Shapiro & Shirley Brandman
Greg & Mary Shine
Steve Simon & Maud Mandel
Carolyn & Robert Stegeman
John & Janie Strachan
Susan Street & Paul Neely
Brad Svrluga & Julia Bowen
Jay & Rachel Tarses
Sofia Taylor
Audrey Thier
Laurie & Peter Thomsen
Jennifer Trainer
Dave & Rebecca Tucker Smith
Colleen Venable
Zachary Wadsworth & Tim Pyper
Alice & David Wilson
Steve Wertimer & Jane Bolster
Martha Williamson
Denise & David Wohabe
Yvonne Hao & Mark Wu
Massachusetts Office of Tourism & Travel
Williams College

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Your community-based movie theater.

A Berkshire tradition for over 100 years, Images Cinema is a non-profit, community-supported movie theater that celebrates film as an art form, a source of entertainment and learning, and a means to cultivate an engaged community.


Images Cinema