David Jackson: Waving Cinema
A live talk and demo of remix culture, image decay, and video art as a team sport, with David Jackson "Boilingsky" (Racer Trash, Dream Video Division)
David Jackson attended the UW-Milwaukee experimental film program, beginning a journey of outdated gear, handmade projects and destructive alteration of media. While in Milwaukee, he rented a small warehouse space in the Third Ward and built a zero budget green screen. He called the office ‘Boiling Sky Films’ where he would work on his own projects as well as those of his fellow students. He has pioneered a number of innovative techniques blending analog and digital media, remix culture, and experimental aesthetics. Narratively, this work focuses on the human urge for exploration - in its positive form as play and in a negative as escapism. He has collaborated with dozens of other artists, including noted creators Dimitri Simakis (Everything is Terrible), Mike Cheslik (Hundreds of Beavers), Vera Drew (The People's Joker), Adam Wingard (Godzilla vs Kong), Jonah Ray (MST3K) and Ellie Pritts to create features at a breakneck pace, gaining press in EW, The Verge (who called the work "The Punk-Ass Future of Cinema") and more. David’s goal is creating avant-garde feature experiences that help evolve and merge contemporary cinema and visual arts.
No tickets needed.PT1H30M2025-03-17David Jackson: Waving Cinema"David Jackson: Waving Cinema"Showtimes